

Golf is a club-and-ball sport in which players use various clubs to hit a ball into a series of holes on a course in as few strokes as possible. Wikipedia
Equipment: Ball, clubs, tee
First played: 15th century, Kingdom of Scotland
Highest governing body: The R&A; USGA; IGF
Olympic: 1900, 1904, since 2016,
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高尔夫 from m.sohu.com
Aug 25, 2020 · 要说高尔夫的最大好处,那就是它可以磨炼一个人的意志,不管面对任何逆境都要学会不放弃,只要能够坚持下去就一定会有所收获。 高尔夫还可以让一个人 ...
高尔夫 from m.dealmoon.com
Jan 2, 2020 · 1.站姿. 站姿是所有动作的基础。挥杆状态好坏取决于站姿,所以一定不能忽略哦。 首先双脚平行站开与肩同宽,上身前倾,重心分布在两脚前脚掌上,双膝微曲 ...
高尔夫 from baike.baidu.com
高尔夫球运动是利用不同的高尔夫球杆(club)将高尔夫球打进球洞(hole)的一项运动项目。高尔夫球运动是一项具有特殊魅力的运动,让人们在优美的自然环境中锻炼身体、陶冶 ...
高尔夫 from baike.baidu.com
高尔夫球场(Golf course)是进行高尔夫球运动时所需的场地。一个标准的高尔夫球场包括18个洞(Hole),每个洞都有规定的杆数,称为标准杆(Par),标准杆数为72杆。
高尔夫 from www.espn.com
Complete golf coverage on ESPN.com, including tournament schedules, results, news, highlights, and more from ESPN.
高尔夫 from www.nbcsports.com
Find all the latest Golf news, live coverage, videos, highlights, stats, predictions, and results right here on NBC Sports.
高尔夫 from www.amazon.com
Shop a wide selection of golf products at Amazon.com. Great prices, discounts, and customer reviews on golf gear. Free shipping and free returns on eligible ...